The Kray Twins Wiki

The Regency was a small nightclub and restaurant in Stoke Newington, owned by the two Barry brothers since 1960, who paid protection money to the Krays, who were also frequent visitors along with the rest of The Firm. It was allegedly frequented by the likes of Lord Boothby and Princess Margaret.

The club was situated at 240a Amhurst Road and had opened in 1959. It was run by brothers John and Anthony Barry from 1960 until its closure in 1970.


(I lived and was born in Evelyn Court opposite the Regency Building. In the 1940's - to 60's, the building was HQ of one of the biggest branches of the Jewish Lads Brigade in the UK, Hackney JLB. My father Ted Israel Sugarman had belonged to the JLB in the 1920's and 30's in Camperdown House in Whitechapel, then the national HQ of JLB. There is now (2022) a modern office block on the site called Camperdown in its honour. Every few weeks the JLB band - very competent - and its members would march and play along Amhurst Road to 'show the flag' and entertain locals; it was very impressive and many of the members were about to/had returned from National Service and were very military in stance and apperaance. Then suddeny they closed in the late 50's till the Regency took it over).

The club was very popular with celebrities and a number of underworld criminals during the 1960s. It was considered neutral territory for many gangs around London. After renting the flats at Cedra Court, the twins visited the club frequently. Albert Donoghue, Dickie Morgan and Ronnie Hart were sent to inform the Barry brothers that the twins wanted to do protection for the club for £50 a week, adding it to the list of businesses they "looked after".


The building in 2015.

The club was also where Jack McVitie appeared one night, waving a sawn-off shotgun, and also where Lenny Hamilton was burnt by Ronnie Kray with red-hot pokers.


In the 1980's the club was called Willows an Afro-Caribbean hotspot catering for a variety of characters some of whom were heavily armed. Stabbings, shootings and gang fights were a regular occurrence. In the 1990's the parade of shops opposite the now called 'Trendz' nightclub were used to sell drugs to anyone wishing to buy them. It quickly became known as a Frontline.

The drug dealers were not hidden away in dark corners dozens of them would stand out in the street. It was very intimidating for residents on the street especially women but particularly for young men. Thus creating negative energy which was enhanced by the ley current and moved further along the line. This went on for years in this spot under the very noses of law enforcement. Countless shootings took place in this spot over the years right through to 2008.

Present day[]


The building's frontage, 2010

After the licence was revoked, the building became a selection of high-end residential flats.
